Sunday, January 2, 2011

Marut Margaritar [ fractalcore & nisetru ]

this is the very own vocal rendition by Diana Jiganie of Marut Margaritar, a famous romanian christmas song which roughly means 'maruti pearl'.

acoustic guitar track added by yours truly.

happy 2011, ever-one!


fractalcore & nisetru


this is the lyric i got online:

i-am plecat s colind Marut, margaritar, i-am plecat s colind. Pe la curi de boieri mari Marut, margaritar, Pe la curi de boieri mari. Dar boierii nu-s acas, Marut, margaritar, Dar boierii nu-s acas. C-au plecat la vantoare Marut, margaritar, C-au plecat la vantoare. S vaneze cprioare Marut, margaritar, S vaneze cprioare. Cprioare n-au vanat Marut, margritar, Cprioare n-au vanat. i-au vanat un iepura Marut, margritar, i-au vanat un iepura. S fac din pielea lui Marut, margaritar, S fac din pielea lui. Vemant frumos Domnului Marut, margaritar, Vemant frumos Domnului.

i'm not really sure if i got the the words right, but i hope our romanian friends can help us fix the errors.

or, maybe you guys will have fun running them through this online translator:

: )